The museum

The Museum

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The Museum is located in one of the 18th century buildings in Neðstikaupstaður at the tip of the spit which the town of Ísafjörður stands.

Fisheries have always been the most important economic activity in the Westfjords, and the museum gives a unique insight into the rich maritime history and culture of the area.

Opening hours:  2024

  • 16. May- 31. August

  • Daily from 10:00 - 17:00


  • 1. September-15. September

  • Daily from 11:00-15:00

During winter time the Museum is open upon agreement

General admission:

  • Adults : ISK 1600,-

  • Senior citizens and students : ISK 1200,-

  • Free admission for children 

GPS: 66° 4,088'N, 23° 7,644'W
